November 25th-
Mom found it, and sent this screenshot to everyone....
This blog will be home to a lot of stories of happiness and excitement, of struggles and hope, and of many lessons while Sister Keri Ralls spends the next 18 months serving an LDS mission in the countries of Romania and Moldova.
Monday, November 25, 2013
November 25, 2015 - transferred!
Buna Buna one last time from Arad!
President called on Saturday and I'm being transferred to the city of Craiova!
So we'll be going back to Bucharest tomorrow night, and then I'll be taking a 3 1/2 hour bus ride to Criavoa.
I'm super looking forward to going to Craiova, but I am so sad to be leaving Arad. My gosh, saying goodbye to the branch was terribly sad on Sunday. I'm going to miss them so much!
We had a few lessons this week- We were able to meet with Anca, Alex, and Eccaterina (who also came to church on Sunday... AGAIN!) Our lesson with Eccaterina was wonderful. We taught the plan of Salvation. She just told us she felt such peace when were talking about it. She'll be baptized :)
We also did contacting this week in a little section of Arad called Gui. I love being there. It feels like being in a neighborhood again. There aren't any apartments over there... just vilas. It's one of my favorite places to contact :)
We passed out some Book of Mormons to some wonderful people too.
We also spent some time this week doing office work things in preparation for next transfer. We rewrote and updated member information for the new missionaries coming in and things like that.
We also did contacting this week in a little section of Arad called Gui. I love being there. It feels like being in a neighborhood again. There aren't any apartments over there... just vilas. It's one of my favorite places to contact :)
We passed out some Book of Mormons to some wonderful people too.
We also spent some time this week doing office work things in preparation for next transfer. We rewrote and updated member information for the new missionaries coming in and things like that.
In just a little while Sora Adams and I are going over to Cristina's (remember her? She's the member that's leaving to France on her mission). We're Going to help her get her luggage and everything to the train station so she can get to the airport and head to the MTC! Hopefully everything goes more smoothly this time.
I can hardly believe Thanksgiving is on Thursday. I have to keep being reminded. And in the spirit of thanksgiving..... lang=eng&query=the+divine+ gift+gratitude
Something I'm learning out here is to be grateful for small successes. Since day 1 of our companionship, Sora Adams always asks me at night what 3 things I was grateful for that day. It just proves to us that even on the hardest days there are always things to be grateful for. :)
I love you all!!!!! Have a wonderful week and great Thanksgiving!
Sora Ralls
Here's a picture of Arad's cute little Relief Society. The woman next to Sora Adams is Eccaterina :)
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Buna Buna!
Sorry this email is a day late, but we had a great time at the Hunedoara castle yesterday! We were only able to stay a couple hours, but it was totally worth the trip! The train to get there and back took 3 1/2 hours, and we played games along the way.
We had a wonderful week last week, and we were able to do a lot of teaching. It's strange because we've been so busy with lessons we haven't had much time to do contacting. That's so strange to me!
We had a really neat lesson last week with Anca about temples. Our intention was to teach on prophets, but at one point during the English lesson portion of our lesson, we just ended up talking about the Salt Lake Temple. She wanted to see a picture, so we grabbed and Ensign and showed her. She loved it, and it went so well. My gosh, I miss the temple so so so much. I look forward to going again!
We met with Ana again this week, and it was wonderful. We talked about the Restoration again, because she's forgotten much of it since the sisters first met with her years ago. It went so well.
President Hill sent me an email that I read today, and he told us more about Ana. For some reason, it's not in her investigator record, but President Hill told me that the sisters said "she is one of the most prepared people they'd ever met, and it was just that her husband didn't want her to attend church with the Mormons." Apparently she's also had several baptismal dates.She's never mentioned that to us either. We've met her husband a couple times. He won't stay for the lessons, but he's very kind and lets us teach Ana. We're really hoping things might go a little smoother this time. Ana really is one of the most open, and kind people I've ever met. She always has something to feed us when we come over. And last time, I was wearing flats when we came to her home. She was shocked, and insisted that I put on some tennis shoes she had in the house... then she saw to it that I wore them home... haha:) We just walked to the church (which was super close to her home) and then I switched my shoes back.
Speaking of which, Romanians are so afraid of cold weather. It's funny. Mom, you'd fit right in! :)
First of all- They turn off all refrigeration in the winter. So if you want a cold drink, you can't find one... unless you go to McDonalds. They think drinking cold drinks in the winter is really bad for you. Also, if you ever come to Romania and it's windy or even just slightly chilly... remember to wear your tights, or people will tell you to put some on or you'll "catch the sickness". :) I try a lot harder to remember to wear tights now :)
Transfer board is coming out this week! Probably on Friday. I can't believe my 4th transfer is just about over! These transfers go by way too quickly. If I leave Arad, I'll be a little sad. Just because I love the people and the branch so much. But it would also be exciting to see somewhere new.
I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH! Thank you for all your prayers! I feel them. You're in mine!
Sora Ralls
Monday, November 4, 2013
Six Month Mark!
November 4

This week was insane! I can hardly believe it's only been a week!
It's been wonderful, and very very very busy.
On Tuesday we had an exchange with the Sister training leader, and started English classes again. Sora Adams and I are teaching a new Children's English class, and its awesome! We have about 6 people come to this class, so it's pretty small, but SO much fun. Last time we went over animals and next time we're doing colors and numbers.
Our exchange was a lot of fun too. I went with Sora Lund and we did a whole lot of Block knocking. We knocked on so many doors. We were able to hand out a few pamphlets as well as a Book of Mormon!
Oh, speaking of block knocking, Sora Adams and I block knocked again on Friday. We were on our second building, and rang in to one of the apartments to open the door for us. A guy answered, and then let us in. When we walked in the building, he stepped out of his apartment, and then asked us to come in. He told us his name was Anderew, and he was about 60 years old. He had a whole ton of beautiful paintings in his apartment, done by his uncle. He spoke English really well and was so knowledgeable. While I was there, I kept thinking "this guy reminds me of Uncle Jesse".
He took out his Bible, and asked us if we used one. We told us we did, and then he asked us to share our favorite verse with him. Sora Adams shared Romans 8:16
"The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:"
When He read this, he asked us "Do you believe this?" We told him we did. He then told us "This is interesting. It's new to me."
Our short lesson with him was just based on that. That we are children of our Heavenly Father. It was simple, but it might have been one of my favorites so far. He invited us back, and we'll be meeting with him again on Thursday.
Sunday was amazing too. We finally had an investigator come to church!
A couple weeks ago, Sora Adams and I were contacting for our English classes in a park. English contacting is super simple. We just hand out English cards to people in the park and explain briefly. So, we handed a card to this lady on the bench, and said our usual "Good morning, here ya go. We teach free English classes. The address is on the back." And then walked away. When we were leaving the park though, I felt like we should go back and talk to this lady. Then Sora Adams and stopped and discussed for a moment about how we could go back to her again in the least awkward way possible...
We fnally just went right for it, and asked if we could share something else with her. We had a wonderful lesson right there in the park. She promised to come to church that Sunday, but didn't come. We found her again this week on Wednesday and she told us she had been sick last week, but would come this week. AND SHE DID!!!! It was amazing. It was fast and testimony meeting, and she even got up and thanked everyone for being so great and welcoming to her. She also asked for prayers.
After Sacrament, We went upstairs with her and one of the members, Sora Piper and had a lesson right there. My goodness. It was amazing. We're meeting with her again on Tuesday! Her name is Sister Roica.
I love weeks like this. I am so grateful to be a missionary! There really is no greater joy than to share the great news of the gospel!
I love you all so much! Have a wonderful week!
xoxoxoxoxoxxxxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox o
Sora Ralls
Oh Ps! I hit my 6th month mark! I can't believe it. Time goes by so fast! Our district celebrated by eating Kinder Eggs together. It was perfect. :)
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