Buna Buna!
Okay, first things first. ELENA WAS BAPTIZED!!!!!!!!!
She was baptized on Saturday, and it was seriously one of the best days of my whole mission (obviously).
The day started off super hectic and busy. We first had an early correlation meeting, then we had our English classes. During the closing spiritual thought at English classes, 2 of our Elders ran to McDonalds and brought us all back cheeseburgers to eat Super quickly. all 6 of us sat in a tiny tiney classroom eating as quickly as we could, as I also hurried to finish up the talk I was giving at her baptism. Elena came to the church at 1:00 to prepare for her baptism at 2:00. When she arrived at the church, she looked so happy. She was so excited!
The first thing everyone did was gather around the font and take TONS of pictures :)
We then went into the chapel, Sora Pavel (Elena's amazing fellowshipper) Spoke on Baptism, and I spoke on the Gift of the Holy Ghost. Afterwards we all walked over to the font. Sora Bray and I helped her find the steps and watched her walk down into the water. Ahhhhhh it was so happy!
After she'd gotten dried off, we asked her how she felt. She explained to us how her sould felt like it was "illuminated". 
In closing, we had President Mesco speak, and then Elena bore her sweet testimony. Seriously, I'm still not over how awesome this day was.
After serving here for 9 months and not seeing a single person in any branch I've served in be baptized, I think I needed to be reminded that it actually DOES happen. Prepared people find the church, they do get baptized. Miracles happen. The church is true!
On Sunday in Feldioara, Elena recieved the Holy Ghost, and our tiny little room out there was filled. Literally, there was not a single open chair. Poor Sora Bray had to stay at the Piano the whole time. Elena is doing great. And we are so excited to see her this week!
Let's see what else happened this week....
We had a reallly great lesson with Adriana and her family. We watched the resoration DVD and talked about prophets. She told us at the end that she knows the church is true. She said she has "an instinct" and she just knows it. She says she's not quite ready to commit to a baptismal date, but she said she will as she feels more prepared. Brasov is booming!
We also had a branch talent show this week. All of us missionaries prepared a hymn to sing. We got there, and only about 7 people from the branch showed up, but it was a lot of fun :)
We got about half way through the song when one of the elders started laughing, which led to 2 elders laughing, and then all of us ended up losing it. Including the branch members. It was okay :)
Oh! We also had interviews with President Hill this week, and that was great! It's always good to see President and Sora Hill. President metioned to me in my interview that he'll be sending Sora Bray out and keeping me here. I'm glad to be staying, but I am going to miss Sora Bray so much!
I love you all so much! You're always in my prayers!!
Sora Ralls
And we ordered a pizza this week. Kind of awesome. |
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