Monday, September 16, 2013

September 16, 2013
Buna Buna!
Thank you so much for all the birthday wishes!! That was so great to see:) 
This week has been seriously awesome. We've done a lot of traveling this week and it's been so neat. First, on Tuesday we went back to Timisoara for Zone training. That was pretty fun. But we had to leave a little early because we had a lesson back in Arad. 
Then just yesterday we got to go up to Oradea for the Romanian district conference! Oradea was SO beautiful. That place is more Hungarian than it is Romanian. Everything was so gorgeous. And clean. And classy.  The conference was seriously amazing. It covered Cluj, Oradea, Arad,and  Timisora . We went down for the Saturday session on Saturday night, and stayed through Sunday Afternoon. 
During the Saturday afternoon session Elder Powell (one of the Senior missionaries here) gave like the neatest talk about the Book of Mormon. I meant to bring the notes I took so I could share them with you in this email, but I forgot them:( I'll bring 'em next time though. He shared some really neat things about the Book of Mormon that never even occurred to  me before. (this is your teaser for next weeks letter) :) But seriously, the conference was amazing and Oradea was beautiful. I also got to see Sora DeRuvo and Sora Hebden again! I loved it.
So this week we finally FINALLY got a hold of one of our potential investigators, Tamara. When we called she told us she was in the hospital. So, we asked if we could visit here there. She said yes, so we went to the hospital. We couldn't find her, so we called her again, but unfortunately neither Sora Stewart or I could understand what she was saying ... Romanian is hard enough to understand in person. So we just hung up and told her we'd call her back. Then we just panicked for a minute. Okay, so then immediately this guy turns the corner of the hospital. And he spoke English! He agreed to talk to her for us and then he explained where she was. Turns out she was in a tiny sub woman's hospital on the other side of town. So finally, we get there. She's in a room with 5 other patients and her friend. Tamara was so happy to see us! And so were the other women in the hospital! We were actually able to teach all of them. It was amazing. All of them wanted a Book of Mormon at the end. We only brought two, so we had to go back the next day with more. We're going back to the hospital tomorrow. Being a missionary is awesome.
Other than that and a couple lessons with Anca,and the Costros we've just done a lot of contacting. Contacting, contacting, contacting. We've actually had a lot of success with our English contacting this week. A lot of people told us they'd be there. We're hoping for a much bigger english class this   transfer! Things are lookin gooooood!
I love you all so so so so much! Have a wonderful week!
Sora Ralls

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